With IVF, a method of assisted reproduction, a man’s sperm and the woman’s egg are combined in a laboratory dish, where fertilisation occurs.
Egg Donation
This procedure involves using a needle attached to a vaginal probe which pushes through the vaginal wall to reach the follicles and aspirate their fluid.
Sperm Donation
Some men may not have sperm cells in their semen. In such situations, Sperm donation is an option for them. There are also cases where the patients want to avoid passing…
Embryo Donation
There are some situations where the couples have both male and female factor infertility.
Gender Selection (PGD)
This is a process where the embryo obtained has genetic testing on a cell removed from the embryo…
Surrogate Motherhood
A surrogate mother is a woman who agrees to get pregnant with someone to give the child to another family to raise.
Egg Freezing
Oocytes (eggs) that are retrieved from the patient can be frozen and stored irrelevant to the maturation stage.
Sperm Freezing
If the male has to have radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy, this can lead to infertility. In some cases, if the husband cannot…
Embryo Freezing
Briefly, embryo freezing is a procedure that adapts to the developmental stage of the embryo.