Stages of Infertility Problem


Stages of Infertility Problem

When should you come to our clinic?

  • The patient should come to our clinic or to a doctor who collaborates with us on the 2nd or 3rd day of her period. During this first exam, the doctor will determine if treatment is needed and the type of treatment. The tests and procedures that follow can be completed at a clinic closer to the patient if she lives remotely. This way, patients do not have to come to our clinic for the first 10-15 days of treatment.

Donation procedure:

  • Eggs or embryos obtained from the donor will result in pregnancy only if the recipient's endometrium is prepared satisfactorily. To achieve an ideal environment for the embryo, the donor and recipient's menstrual cycles should be synchronised. Patients should be prepared to wait two to three months after a donor is found to allow proper preparation of the recipient. There are times when the donor and recipient are synchronised at the outset, and the donation process can begin immediately.

When the patient begins treatment at our clinic:

  • Doctors will examine the patient and perform the necessary tests. We will make sure the recipient is well informed and has realistic expectations of the procedure she is about to begin. Doctors prefer to see couples together to evaluate the patients and obtain psychological support if the clinicians know the need. If the patient lives close to the clinic, our doctors can monitor her in the 10-20 day duration of treatment. For those patients who live far away, they can continue watching at a clinic close to them after having our doctors assess the patient's needs and begin treatment.

When the patient begins treatment at a collaborative clinic

  • Doctors at these clinics also have been trained and have expertise in the field of infertility. Doctors will make the initial evaluation of the patient and coordinate the donor and recipient with our clinic. This way, the patient will come to our clinic only for the embryo transfer. If the patient requests, the doctor that the couple initially consulted with can also come to perform the embryo transfer.

When the patient begins treatment at a non-collaborative clinic

  • Our doctors or one of our collaborative doctors should make the initial evaluation of our patients. If the recipient couple brings their donor, the donor and the donor's spouse (if there is one) should be evaluated together. After this initial assessment, the patients can continue being seen by their own doctors in close cooperation with doctors from our clinic.

When should you seek treatment?

  • The best time to make an appointment at our clinic is on the second or third day of your menstrual period (if you are menstruating). If you are not menstruating or irregular periods, then come when it is most convenient. For those who live in another city, please bring reports of any tests you have done previously. Couples who have decided to start treatment and have had all their necessary tests done should set aside 2 hours for the initial consultation and instruction.

How often can I try IVF?

  • There are no set limits. Provided that eggs collected are usually fertilised, the chances of pregnancy are the same with each attempt. Just as in rolling dice, getting a six on the first try is low, but the probability increases proportionate to the number of tries. One can try as often as 10-12 times.
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