Egg Freezing (Social Freezing) Preserving Your Fertility for the Future

Egg freezing, also known as oocyte cryopreservation, is a revolutionary procedure that allows women to preserve their fertility for future family planning. Whether focused on your career, pursuing higher education, or not ready for parenthood, egg freezing allows you to choose when to start your family.

Egg freezing involves collecting a woman’s eggs, freezing them and then thawing them later for fertility treatment.

Who Can Benefit from Egg Freezing?

Egg freezing is an excellent option to preserve a woman’s fertility for various scenarios, including;

  • Undergoing medical treatments that may affect fertility.
  • The presence of a disease that requires removal of the ovaries
  • A family history of early menopause.
  • For women prioritising their career or education and thus seeking to delay parenthood.

Understanding the Egg Freezing Process

Egg freezing involves extracting and freezing a woman’s eggs to preserve their quality and viability for future use. Here’s an overview of the process:

1 – Consultation

Your journey begins with a consultation with one of our fertility experts, where we’ll discuss your goals, assess your fertility status, and create a customised plan.

2 – Ovarian stimulation phase

  • Once we pass this stage and have a clear profile of your status and medical history, our fertility specialist will prepare your medication protocol.
  • You’ll start your ovarian stimulation phase from the 2nd day of your menstrual cycle and continue for approximately 10-14 days. During this phase, you’ll take stimulation medicines and injections from our medical team with multiple ultrasound checkups to monitor your ovaries’ progress.
  • Once our doctor confirms the follicles have reached the targeted size, the stimulation phase ends, and you are prepared for the IUI procedure. We will inform you about the exact timing of the trigger injection to help release the eggs.

3 – Egg Retrieval

  • When the eggs are mature, the stimulation phase ends, and you undergo the egg retrieval procedure.
  • The egg retrieval (OPU) procedure is performed using sedation (anaesthesia) at our hospital, which takes approximately 15-20 mins.
  • After the egg retrieval procedure, you will be informed about the number and quality of eggs collected.

4 – Egg Freezing

The harvested eggs are carefully frozen and stored in our secure facility. The vitrification method is used at our hospital to freeze the eggs.

5 – Future Use

You can decide when and how to use your frozen eggs for assisted reproduction, in vitro fertilisation (IVF), or other fertility treatments.

Take Control of Your Fertility

At Cyprus IVF Hospital, we’re here to support you every step of the way on your fertility journey. Egg freezing is not just about preserving eggs; it’s about preserving your choices and giving you the flexibility to start a family when the time is right.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how egg freezing can be a game-changer in your family planning journey.

Frequently Asked Questions About Egg Freezing

If I freeze my eggs, will my future baby be normal?

Many healthy live births have occurred since the first in vitro fertilisation trial with frozen oocytes in 1986.

Research on the health of children born through in vitro fertilisation has shown no increase in the risk of congenital anomalies in babies born due to egg freezing.

One 2009 study that tracked 900 babies born using frozen eggs found no difference in the rate of birth abnormalities compared with the rate for babies born with fresh eggs.

(Source: Article “Over 900 oocyte cryopreservation babies born with no apparent increase in congenital anomalies”

How is egg freezing done?

At our hospital, freezing is performed with the Vitrification method (ultra-fast freezing). With this method, ice crystals that can damage cells or tissues do not occur during freezing. Thus, after freezing, the eggs are stored in long-term storage tanks.

What is the ideal age to freeze eggs?

Women’s egg reserves and quality decrease with ageing. In addition, the risk of chromosomal anomalies in eggs increases for women over 35.

Having a good number and quality of eggs increases the chance of a healthy pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby. For this reason, it is recommended that egg collection and freezing procedures should be completed on time and be performed until age 38.

How many eggs are collected in one attempt?

Every woman is unique. So, to answer this question more precisely, an infertility specialist will need to evaluate the woman’s hormone tests (AMH, FSH, LH, etc.) and antral follicle count.

If the woman is younger than 35, 8-12 eggs can be collected in one cycle by stimulating the ovaries. If the number of eggs collected is low, the egg collection process can be repeated several times. A higher number of eggs frozen at an early age allows more embryos to be created after fertilisation, which increases the chance of pregnancy.

How many frozen eggs remain healthy when thawed?

When frozen with the vitrification method, approximately 70-90% of the eggs stay viable when thawed in the future. The point to consider here is the quality of the eggs to be suitable for freezing.

How long can my eggs be stored for use in treatment?

Frozen eggs can be stored for many years. However, you must inform our hospital and renew your consent every year. You must give your consent on the relevant consent form. Our medical team will contact you and provide the consent forms you must complete at the appropriate time.

How much does egg freezing cost?

For detailed information about the pricing, please visit our webpage:


Points to be considered before and after embryo transfer

The embryo transfer procedure, being the final step in the IVF process, is one of the most important milestones in fertility treatment. After weeks of preparation and hard work, it’s so natural to feel anxious about the outcome and what to do before and after the embryo transfer to increase the chance of achieving pregnancy.

You’re not alone. We are here for you to support you in this process. Please keep on reading for the details.


  • On the day of embryo transfer, you need to be with a full bladder. 
  • You should come to the hospital without using your progesterone drug (vaginal suppository).


  • You need to be with a full bladder during embryo transfer process. 
  • Due to the full bladder, the angle of the uterus is straightened and the entrance to the uterus becomes easier.
  • First, a speculum is inserted into the vagina and the cervix is screened. 
  • Then, the cervix is gently wiped with a special solution.
  • At the same time, the uterus is screened by ultrasonography in the abdomen.
  • Embryo catheter full of embryo(s) prepared by embryologists is delivered into the uterus by passing through the cervix. Under ultrasonographic observation, embryo(s) is placed in the uterus by IVF specialist.
  • The embryo transfer process takes approximately 2-3 minutes. It is a procedure performed without anaesthesia (sedation).


  • In IVF treatment, resting for 30-45 minutes in the clinic after embryo transfer is sufficient.
  • Studies have shown that continuous bed rest after embryo transfer does not increase success rate.
  • Our patients from outside Cyprus can travel home on the same day (preferably in the evening of the same day) or one day after the embryo transfer.
  • After the embryo transfer, you can return to your daily life after 1-2 days of rest.
  • Heavy sports, heavy work, heavy lifting and similar activities should not be done until the pregnancy test is done. There is no need for constant rest during this time. Light housework can be done, showering, car and plane travel is possible. There is no problem with travelling.
  • A blood pregnancy test (Beta-HCG) should be performed 12 days after the embryo transfer. (The transfer day is not included in the calculation.)

*For example, your transfer da is January 1st,

*Your pregnancy test (Beta-HCG) day; will be January 13.


  • With the 1st pregnancy test;
    • The progesterone blood test must be performed.
    • 48 hours after the 1st pregnancy test date, the pregnancy test should be repeated in the same clinic.
  • The pregnancy (Beta-HCG) and progesterone blood test results should be forwarded to your patient coordinator and IVF nurses.
  • The use of all your medications should be continued without interruption until you have been informed by our team about the pregnancy test result.
  • Even if you start to have vaginal bleeding, please perform the pregnancy test on the informed day and let us know the result. It is crucial to evaluate the test result in (diagnosis) , as such bleeding may be due to ectopic pregnancy or the threat of miscarriage.
  • If the pregnancy test result is positive, meaning that pregnancy has been achieved, all drugs should be used until the first pregnancy ultrasonography is performed. 
  • You shouldn’t have sexual intercourse until the twelfth day (12th day) after embryo transfer. Please don’t use any medication other than our doctor prescribed for you. Please inform our medical team beforehand if you need to use any other medication.
  • Approximately 10 -12 days after the first pregnancy test, the first ultrasound scan will be performed to hear the baby’s heartbeats. For this reason, you should make an appointment for an ultrasound scan 10-12 days after the first pregnancy test. 
  • With this 1st ultrasound examination, it will be possible to see if the baby has a heartbeat and if the pregnancy continues healthily. Multiple or ectopic pregnancy cases and any other issues can also be identified with the 1st ultrasound scan during this early pregnancy stage. 
  • If you have complaints such as difficulty breathing, excessive bloating, nausea and vomiting during this period, please inform our medical team


  • Under normal conditions, we expect no bleeding until the day of the pregnancy test, and when pregnancy occurs, the baby’s development continues without bleeding. 
  • However, mild vaginal bleeding may rarely be seen, although pregnancy occurs. In this case, we recommend stopping taking aspirin until the bleeding disappears and following up with a few days intervals is essential.  Please inform our team in case of any light bleeding.
  • In case of miscarriage or implantation failure, bleeding may begin before or immediately after the pregnancy test day and can continue as menstrual bleeding. Please inform our team in case of any bleeding. 


  • Do I need to be on an empty stomach before the embryo transfer?

There are no restrictions on nutrition before the transfer. However, you need to be with a full bladder.


  • How much rest is required after the embryo transfer?

In IVF treatment, the resting for 30-45 minutes after embryo transfer is sufficient. Studies have shown that resting longer in the clinic does not increase the chance of conception.

  • Do I need to rest continuously after the embryo transfer?

Continuous bed rest after embryo transfer does not increase the chance of success. For this reason, there is no need for constant rest until the pregnancy test is done. However, during this period, heavy sports, heavy work, heavy lifting and similar activities should not be done. After the embryo transfer, you can return to your daily life after 1-2 days of rest. Light housework and non-strenuous daily activities can be done, such as walking, showering, driving and flying. There is no problem with travelling.

  • Can I take a bath after the transfer?

You can start taking a bath (a warm shower) one  (1) day after the transfer.

  • Will there be bleeding after the transfer?

In IVF treatment, bleeding is not expected until the pregnancy test day after embryo transfer. However, post-transfer staining may rarely occur.  Sometimes vaginal bleeding may begin before the day of the pregnancy test if the pregnancy has not developed. However, a pregnancy test should be performed even if there is bleeding assometimes bleeding can be seen when the pregnancy develops. In case of any type of bleeding, please get in touch with our team.

  • How many days does it take for the embryo to attach to the uterus after the transfer?

After the embryo is transferred to the uterus, it begins to attach to the uterus within a few days, and the pregnancy hormone, which we call Beta-HCG, begins to be secreted in the early period. The first sign of pregnancy is this hormone detected in the blood.

  • When should the pregnancy (Beta-HCG) test be done?

Beta-HCG test should be done 12 days after embryo transfer. (The transfer day is not included in the calculation.)

  • Why is a progesterone blood test requested after transfer?

There are multiple reasons for requesting a progesterone test. The most important ones,

  1. To assess the risk of miscarriage,
  2. To assess whether the pregnancy is progressing well.
  3. The expected test result is 20 and above. If a lower result is obtained, it is supported with medication. The progesterone test will be asked to repeat after the medication usage period ends.
  • How many days after a positive pregnancy test result should an ultrasound be done?

An ultrasound control should be performed 10 – 12 days after the first positive pregnancy test date. 

  • Which drugs should be continued for how long after a positive pregnancy test result?

During this period, the most important drugs;

  1. “Estrofem” should be used until the week when the baby’s heartbeat is heard. (Until the 6th week of pregnancy) After that, it will be gradually decreased and discontinued.  
  2.  “Progesterone” (vaginal suppository) usage should be continued until the 12th week of pregnancy. After that, it will be gradually decreased and discontinued. 

*Note: The information of how to decrease the medications ‘gradually’ will be given to you by our medical team. You will also be informed if there is any other medicine you need to use besides these medicines.

  • Is there a special diet after the embryo transfer?

There is no special diet to be followed after the transfer. But progesterone injections and tablets can reduce bowel movements and cause constipation. For this reason, consuming 1.5 litres of water daily, choosing fibrous foods and taking short walks during the day can help prevent constipation. If canned foods are in your diet, you can replace them with natural foods. Consuming vegetables and fruits in season and organically is recommended.

The Importance of Vitamin D3 Before And During Pregnancy

Pre-pregnancy vitamin D3 in take has a vital role in fertility. Vitamin D3 regulates the hormone production of the ovaries and is essential for a healthy reproductive system. Vitamin D3 deficiency can impair ovarian functions and reduce the chance of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, vitamin D3 is essential for the baby’s bone development. By increasing calcium and phosphate absorption, vitamin D3 helps the baby’s bones develop healthily, strengthens the immune system, can protect against infections, and can also help prevent mood disorders such as depression of the mother. Also, vitamin D3 deficiency can lower the baby’s birth weight and cause premature birth.

Pregnant women are at risk of vitamin D3 deficiency because the mother’s need for vitamin D3 increases during pregnancy. The daily requirement of vitamin D3 for pregnant women is 600-800 IU. They can get this amount through sunlight, foods, and supplements. However, pregnant women should consult their doctor before taking vitamin D3 supplements.



Vitamin D3 is a vitamin that can be synthesized from sunlight. It is also found naturally in some foods. These are :

  • Oily fish: Oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines are rich in vitamin D3.
  • Liver: Especially chicken and turkey liver contains high vitamin D3. (But, it is not recommended to be consumed during pregnancy)
  • Egg: Egg yolk contains vitamin D3.
  • Milk and dairy products: Dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese may contain vitamin D3. However, milk and dairy products can also be enriched with vitamin D2.
  • Mushrooms: Mushrooms are rare foods containing vitamin D3.

Dietitian, Turgut Arsan

What is HSG (Hysterosalpingography)?

What is HSG (Hysterosalpingography)?

Hysterosalpingography, also known as uterine film or medicated uterine film, is a diagnostic method used to examine the uterine and fallopian tubes by radiographic methods.

HSG is a technique commonly used in infertility cases as it allows the evaluation of the inner structure of the uterus and tubes and the patency of the tubes.


How is HSG done?

The uterus is filled with a liquid contrast material so that the uterus, cervix, and tubes are visible with X-rays. The contrast material goes from uterus to the tubes and then to the abdominal cavity from the end of the tubes. The flow and distribution of the contrast material in the uterus and tubes are observed under fluoroscopy.

Since the contrast agent is given under pressure from the cervix, in some cases it can also have a therapeutic effect by clearing mucus-like barrier structures in the tubes. Generally, there is an increase in pregnancy rates in the first 6 months after uterine film is performed.


In which situations is HSG (medicated uterine film) performed?

The most common reason for performing HSG is infertility.

  • Adhesion in the tubes, obstruction, swelling, liquid filling, etc.
  • Uterine polyps, fibroids, anomalies, tumors, etc.

may be the reason for not being able to have a baby. Your doctor may request an HSG examination to diagnose these cases and choose the appropriate treatment for you.


What is the ideal time for performing HSG?

HSG should be performed within the first 3 days after the end of menstruation (menstruation).


  • In this period, the intrauterine tissue is thin, and the probability of pregnancy is low. Thus, possible harm to a newly formed pregnancy is prevented.
  • In the following days after menstruation, the uterus will thicken, hiding possible masses in the uterus and reducing the scan’s clarity.
  • The cervical canal (cervix canal) is open during and immediately after the menstrual period. Over time, the cervical canal narrows, making it difficult to place the catheter in this area and enter the contrast material from the inserted catheter.

Note: Women under menopause can perform HSG anytime they feel ready. Any time frame does not apply to them.


Frequently asked questions about HSG

  • Can HSG be performed during menstruation?

The answer is No. Because, during this period, when contrast material is given, the particles that need to be expelled from the uterus together with the contrast material can be transported to the intra-abdominal cavity, and this may create a serious infection risk.

  • What to do before HSG?

It is not necessary to use a drug for preparation before HSG. However, since this procedure is performed using sedation (anaesthesia) at our hospital, it is necessary not to drink and eat after 24.00 the night before the procedure to be prepared. (6-8 hours before HSG)

Note: Anaesthesia time takes approximately 15-20 minutes.


What should be considered after HSG?

  • It is not recommended to do heavy work on the same day after HSG.
  • The usage of a vaginal tampon is not recommended on the day HSG is performed. Pad can be used instead of a vaginal tampon.
  • Any environment where infection may occur (pool, sea and sauna) should be avoided.
  • If you have complaints such as severe abdominal pain, fever, excessive bleeding, it is recommended to consult your gynaecologist.

What is Antral Follicle Count (AFC)?

Antral follicle count (AFC)

Before going through a fertility treatments, IVF specialist will ask some fertility tests to be performed. The “antral follicle count” (AFC) is one of those key fertility tests. The antral follicle count, together with some hormone blood tests, are considered as a must for fertility testing.


What is an Antral follicle?

Women are born with all the eggs they will ever have. The number of eggs decrease constantly until menopause. “Ovarian reserve” refers to the reserve of the ovaries in other words “remaining egg supply” to be able to have babies.

Antral follicle is a small follicle (fluid-filled sac) in the ovaries that contains a immature egg that can potentially develop and ovulate in the future. A mature follicle (about to ovulate) measures between 18 – 25 mm.


What does AFC stand for?

The “antral follicle count” (AFC) means the sum of those follicles on both ovaries that can be detected by transvaginal ultrasound. Together with AMH test results and the age of a woman, the number of antral follicles, stand for the most accurate indicators of ovarian reserve that links with reproductive potential of woman. In other words, AFC indicates, how many eggs are left in your ovaries and the total number of mature eggs you might retrieve from a stimulation cycle.

Antral follicule numbers also good indicators for;

Ovarian response to stimulating medications used in IVF (How many eggs might be retrieved from a stimulation cycle)

  • Chances for a succesful IVF
  • Risk for a cycle cancellation


How does AFC change according to the age?

As the age icreases, women have less eggs remaining and fewer antral follicles. The number of follicles declines at a faster rate after age 35. Although these figures vary from woman to woman there are general benchmarks based on the studies.*



Age                             Average AFC            Lowest AFC              Highest AFC

25 to 34                                 15                               3                                 30

35 to 40                                 9                                 1                                 25

41 to 46                                 4                                 1                                 17




Does a low AFC mean that you are unable to have a baby?

Although antral follicle count is a valuable indicator of fertility, a low number does not necessarily mean you will be unable to have a baby since for getting pregnant one good quality egg to be ovulated might be sufficient.

Please feel free to consult us to find out the best fertility treatment option for you.

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